Template - New Doc
This is a template I created for new documents to help structure the content, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding for readers.
You can see an example of this template in use on How-to Guide.
General information
- Product manager: [pm_name]
- Team: [team_name]
- Jira ticket: [ticket_link]
Meta description
Add a short description of the document here. (e.g. Learn how to X using Y on Z.)
Add 3-4 tags relevant to the document contents for SEO.
Document placement
[kb_directory] > [kb_sub_directory]
Add a short description to explain what the reader can learn from this document.
Who can do this? [user_role(s)]
Add the steps require to complete a specific task.
- …
- …
- …
See also
Add 1-3 relevant links to guide the user to other useful content after they finish reading this document. (e.g. What is X, How to Y)
Additional code snippets
Add any notes you have here.
Add any questions you have here to ask stakeholders regarding X feature, improvement, bug, etc.
Add the details of any errors you encounter while testing, along with potential solutions/workarounds. (e.g. error message + explanation)
Add any questions a user my ask and provide a reason. (e.g. why can’t I do X + reason)