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Template - Release Notes

This is a template I created for my release notes to help structure the content, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding for readers.

You can see an example of this template in use on Release Notes #1.

Meta description

Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for the [company/product] in [month].


[company/product_name], Release Notes, [month] Release

Document placement

[kb_directory] > [kb_sub_directory]



Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for the [company/product] in [month].

Tip: If you want to learn more about our products, ask questions, give feedback, and see the upcoming features we’re working on, you can join our customer community, [community_name].

What’s new


description/benefit/how-to_guide_link/Learn more about it on/at…


description/benefit/how-to_guide_link/Learn more about it on/at…



description/benefit/how-to_guide_link/Learn more about it on/at…


description/benefit/how-to_guide_link/Learn more about it on/at…

Bug fixes


Additional code snippets



Add any notes you have here.


Add any questions you have here to ask stakeholders regarding X feature, improvement, bug, etc.


Add the details of any errors you encounter while testing, along with potential solutions/workarounds. (e.g. error message + explanation)

Add any questions a user my ask and provide a reason. (e.g. why can’t I do X + reason)